Friday, 4 November 2016

Eureka Moment!

I typed up my evaluation of yesterdays peer review before I went to bed, so naturally I couldn't sleep for ages because I was contemplating what I could do to resolve the problems I was having in terms of where my research was going. Focusing on the most fundamental questions, 'what do I care about?', 'what am I interested in?' and 'what do I want to find out', I was able to clear the fog a little and have a solid reflection on everything that I have been doing so far.

I got my notebook out and literally just jotted down everything that came into head and tried to piece things together, and I think that I have finally made sense of things!

Refined Essay Structure

Title: (rough) Investigating into how the interpretation of imagery can create a subconscious shift in the perception of the self.

Subquestion: How illustration and methods of visual communication used in the mainstream can inform and shape personal behaviour, attitudes and goals. (This will need tweaking though)

First chapter: Existence and behaviour 
  • Maslow, motivation, self actualisation
  • Herzberg
  • Skinner (pain avoidance)
  • Freud- ego, id, superego
  • HOW DO THESE SIT IN MODERN DAY?! : Consumerism, elitism, reason for being
Second chapter: Analysis of images from the early 20th century to today. Looking at the differences and highlighting key themes
  • Beecham, Holloway (all images from Thackray)
  • Smoking adverts vs stop smoking adverts
  • Images used today in advertising campaigns and product sales in relation to maintaining good health
  • Identify how children are the common theme
Third chapter: The child as a motif
  • Human centred design; use of children inform learning, understanding, development and reflection
  • How a child perceives topics of difficult/misunderstood nature. Raw and honest, highlight how powerful this is
  • Sensitivity, nostalgia and empathetic connection with audience
Practical investigation: designing from a child's perspective Concepts for packaging and advertisements for products which supposedly boost our perception of self (and often exploit adults)
For example:
  • Medical packaging 
  • Beauty products?
  • Cigarette packaging
  • Alcohol
So my idea will need refining between now and my tutorial on Tuesday, but I'm SO relieved that I am starting to make sense of things and feel motivated to drive this project forward.

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