Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Tutorial Two

I needed todays tutorial to gain some guidance about the direction of my project, as there are so many avenues and loose ends to tie up that I am struggling to connect together in a straight forward direction. I tried to visually make sense of what I wanted to find out by scribbling down these diagrams to highlight connections of theories and how to integrate different areas of investigation.

Where am I up to?

  • Attended sustainability symposium
  • Attended love arts conversation
  • Both made me think about designing for social change rather than focusing in on mainstream advertising?
  • Considering sustainability as an 'end goal?'
  • Analysed language and imagery used within above-the-line advertising methods
  • Further studied Eleanor Snare's presentation on ikigai and perception of self
  • Further studied Steve Connor's area of expertise which is 'ethical advertising'
  • Looked at theorists including Maslow, Herzberg, Freud and Skinner on the topics of motivation, self-perception and pain avoidance
What I wanted to gain from the tutorial:
  • Need to tie up all of the loose ends
  • Advice on theorists to look at
  • Pin point an argument, what am I trying to find out?
Points Discussed
  • When I spoke to Steve Conner at the symposium he said that illustration is becoming more of a popular tool within advertising as opposed to film and photography which seems to have 'run into the ground'- WHY is this?
  • Why do we use illustration in certain circumstances? What is it about?
  • It's universal, approachable and can communicate complex problems using semiotics
  • What is the relationship between self idealisation, advertising and illustration?
  • Discussed images used to advertise smoking (50's/60's) and campaigns against smoking (90's onwards)
  • Using ethics to communicate so it is easy to understand
Pete picked up on the maps I had drawn out (above) and saw that as an illustration within itself, similar to an info graphical image. He highlighted the connection between self idealisation, advertising and illustration as a sort of self contained triangulation to be further explored, which made a lot of sense!

Instead of looking at illustration as a tool, he advised me to look at the empathy and emotion involved in using children and children imagery within advertising, and the higher impact that it can have on a mass audience. 


This approach ties in everything that I have been looking at in an interesting synthesis which I am excited to properly explore now. I have a fair bit of catching up to do in terms of blogging and recording my research, as well as starting my actual essay, but now I have a focus then things should hopefully move along a little more quickly.

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