Turnitin Feedback
- Started well with confident writing
- Good understanding of theories
- Structure is good
- Have shorter sentences; less commas
- Introduction is Chapter One (don't get confused here)
- In Chapter Two, talk about links between theory I'm looking at and advertising. Consumerism and marketing models
- This will be more apparent in the next chapter, but just put forward the argument in Chapter Two.
- Historical elements are good.
- Talk about modernism?
- Consumerism, advertising and health/hygiene all developed simultaneously
- Link between adverts and using status and health to communicate it is really important!
In the last two weeks I have done a LOT of work and come really far with my practical work. As well, I have found some additional contextual references that also link in to my project really well such as the What I Be project.
Today's tutorial was more about connecting the dots between the research I have carried out and constricting information to come to a suitable conclusion within my essay and my practical work. This process has already started with the decision being made to discontinue looking at children as a motif within advertising and focus more on mature perceptions of self and how external influences can alter this.
Formative Feedback
6A1: Very good understanding of themes and contexts. Dissertation is still unfinished (not long enough)
6A2: Very good explanation of ideas to synthesise results. Needs focusing for final work
6B1: Good level of research and collation of information- research techniques. Very good evaluation of materials
6C1: Very good explanation of material ideas/development of images comparison linking to theories and research. Final focus needs
6D1: Good final outcomes need refining
Additional Comments:
Formative Feedback
6A1: Very good understanding of themes and contexts. Dissertation is still unfinished (not long enough)
6A2: Very good explanation of ideas to synthesise results. Needs focusing for final work
6B1: Good level of research and collation of information- research techniques. Very good evaluation of materials
6C1: Very good explanation of material ideas/development of images comparison linking to theories and research. Final focus needs
6D1: Good final outcomes need refining
Additional Comments:
- Good project, well researched. Organic and developing its own momentum
- More decisions to make
- Finish written element
- Focus- case studies
- Reflective practice- how project fits with the research/theories/purpose
- Put the health history in Chapter 2, link this to the development of adverts
- The addition of psychology within advertising goes hand in hand with developments in public health. This relates to aspiration (self-actualisation) in the escape from poverty
- Look at 'Prozac Nation' book
- Pharmaceutical industry in America;promotion etc
- Scopophilia theory:Laura Mulvey: Engaging with the person
- How women are seen as objects within paintings and advertisements;not engaging with the audience
- Manet: Olympia-controversial male gaze. The model is not passive. Challenging the audience with a different engagement
- Chapter 3: Choose three images to analyse
- Chapter 4: How does my product fit with research/theories? Effects of campaign etc...
- Chapter 5: What we need/told we need/creation of need. Link with case studies and practical outcome.
- Look at Marx false consciousness
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