Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Roughs and Development

For my practical, I'm starting with six illustrations that show the relationship between consumers and main stream advertising. They will sit inside an A5 printed book and as well, be proposed as an exhibition.

Photograph Sources:(combination of primary and secondary)


Blue (text), yellow (images)

Contextual References

Within my extended practice I really enjoy drawing with a layered, textured sort of style, which I decided to start applying to COP (when in doubt play to your strengths...)

Olivier Kugler and Lucinda Rogers are two of my most favoured reportage illustrators. I hope to portray a level of sensitivity with attention to detail with regards to the subject matter. 

Olivier Kugler

Lucinda Rogers

I aim to get the refined roughs done by tomorrow!

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Narrowing Down Research

I've decided that it might be a wise idea to stop focusing on the medical side of things so much, just because I'm finding it difficult to come to a conclusion within my research. I will feel loads better if I solely focus on self perception, and can see my project arriving at a more refined point of synthesis if so.

Additionally, I don't really think that the packaging aspect is working as much as I thought it would. Therefore I am going to focus more on the psychological/sociological element of research.

I will still talk about health adverts in my dissertation, but intend to use this to show how attitudes have changed in alignment with social factors, and how this informs self-perception.

I also found this article saying that 'how to accept myself for who I am' was one of the most google searched items of 2016, which was really really shocking. I feel like this has a strong connection to my research focus, and plan to use this to further inform and refine my practical exploration.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Tips From a Former Smoker

When researching into anti-smoking campaigns, I cam across an extremely hard-hitting series of videos and images of a lady who was a former smoker. Terrie Hall was one of the prominent faces of the Tips from a former smoker campaign. The organisation has enlarged on the participants within the project below:

'Some are former smokers and some have never smoked. Almost all of them are living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities. These diseases and disabilities changed the quality of their lives — some dramatically — including how they eat, dress and do daily tasks. Some had to give up activities they once loved to do. They speak from experience and agreed to share their stories with you, to send a single, powerful message: Quit smoking now. Or better yet — don't ever start.'

I found the videos of Terrie Hall particularly hard hitting. This was due to the level of honesty that is portrayed in an autobiographical format; no airs and graces, with an 'it is what it is' level of communication. It was shocking to both see and hear how her appearance and her voice had been damaged by smoking, to an extent where she was barely recognisable from her beautiful, blonde, cheerleading teenage self.

Additionally, this reminded me of the What I Be project in terms of image layout and approach to audience communication. The fearless gaze straight into the lens eliminates any false ideologies that can be created within ad campaigns, therefore having a more powerful influence on the audience. 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Revisited Practical Proposal

Evidently, I've found the practical side of COP really difficult this year, partly due to the fact that my project is heavily research based, as well as dealing with my tendency to produce visual outcomes that are 'too literal'. I didn't just want to illustrate my essay, but I wanted to propose a practical outcome that could genuinely make a difference if it became a reality.

I want the audience/society in general to love and accept themselves for who they are, and feel like they don't have to confine to false and unrealistic ideologies projected by the media in order to feel a sense of worth.

Brief Title: Project Acceptance

Brief: Produce/propose a reportage style ad campaign promoting self-acceptance to a mass audience

Product: Down to earth/honest autobiographical stories conducted from the primary research questionnaire. Using illustration and text to stimulate the acceptance of personal insecurities that are enlarged by the main media

Tone of Voice: Human; all on one level. Honest and empowering means of communication

Audience: Mass scale audience (excluding children)


  • A5 16 page book
  • Proposed exhibition
  • Proposed ad campaign

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tutorial Five/First Draft Feedback

Although I only managed to submit half an essay, my feedback was really positive and I received some really helpful pointers in how to structure the rest of my research.

Turnitin Feedback
  • Started well with confident writing
  • Good understanding of theories
  • Structure is good
  • Have shorter sentences; less commas
  • Introduction is Chapter One (don't get confused here)
  • In Chapter Two, talk about links between theory I'm looking at and advertising. Consumerism and marketing models
  • This will be more apparent in the next chapter, but just put forward the argument in Chapter Two.
  • Historical elements are good.
  • Talk about modernism?
  • Consumerism, advertising and health/hygiene all developed simultaneously 
  • Link between adverts and using status and health to communicate it is really important!

In the last two weeks I have done a LOT of work and come really far with my practical work. As well, I have found some additional contextual references that also link in to my project really well such as the What I Be project.

Today's tutorial was more about connecting the dots between the research I have carried out and constricting information to come to a suitable conclusion within my essay and my practical work. This process has already started with the decision being made to discontinue looking at children as a motif within advertising and focus more on mature perceptions of self and how external influences can alter this.

Formative Feedback

6A1: Very good understanding of themes and contexts. Dissertation is  still unfinished (not long enough)
6A2: Very good explanation of ideas to synthesise results. Needs focusing for final work
6B1: Good level of research and collation of information- research techniques. Very good evaluation of materials
6C1: Very good explanation of material ideas/development of images comparison linking to theories and research. Final focus needs
6D1: Good final outcomes need refining

Additional Comments:

  • Good project, well researched. Organic and developing its own momentum
  • More decisions to make 
  • Finish written element
  • Focus- case studies
  • Reflective practice- how project fits with the research/theories/purpose

  • Put the health history in Chapter 2, link this to the development of adverts
  • The addition of psychology within advertising goes hand in hand with developments in public health. This relates to aspiration (self-actualisation) in the escape from poverty
  • Look at 'Prozac Nation' book
  • Pharmaceutical industry in America;promotion etc
  • Scopophilia theory:Laura Mulvey: Engaging with the person
  • How women are seen as objects within paintings and advertisements;not engaging with the audience
  • Manet: Olympia-controversial male gaze. The model is not passive. Challenging the audience with a different engagement
  • Chapter 3: Choose three images to analyse
  • Chapter 4: How does my product fit with research/theories? Effects of campaign etc...
  • Chapter 5: What we need/told we need/creation of need. Link with case studies and practical outcome.
  • Look at Marx false consciousness

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Humanising Medication

From the medicine packages that I have collected, I took a slightly different approach by visually exploring why people take medicine. This may seem like a strange piece of research, but I was interested to compare peoples relationship with smoking to peoples relationship to health as an element of contrast.

As I have discovered, many people initially started smoking to enhance their self image, and because it was the 'cool' thing to do. 

Since taking medicine is a necessity in the majority of cases, I wanted to explore how people evaluate their self image in relation. In addition, it has been noted that a lot of medicine tends to be stigmatised, especially those to treat mental health. Therefore I was interested in creating a sort of connection to the ideologies portrayed through medical adverts to the realities; in a way trying to 'humanise' medication.

The outcomes I have produced are okay, yet I feel like they don't communicate a clear message. Additionally from looking at them I continue to question their purpose...what are they trying to tell the audience/prove? 

This has been a helpful and interesting segment of visual research, but it isn't something I am going to enlarge on. However I am comfortable with the style of line work in a combination with the handwritten text, as I feel that it communicates a level of sensitivity.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

What I Be Project

What I Be by Steve Rosenfield stands out as one of the most empowering and moving photography projects that I have come across. Being successful in his career, and arguably 'operating at self-actualisation level', Rosenfield realised that he was extremely materialistic, opinionated and extremely unhappy. In response, he decided to take action.

"I never shared my feelings or insecurities because I was scared of how I would look to others. I never opened up and that created a lack in my relationships where people were scared to open up to me because they saw me as “blunt”. I eventually started to realize how unhappy I truly was so I started reading and journaling and further understanding that, in order to be happy, I needed to be more open and honest with people. I needed to be more compassionate which, in turn, made people feel safe around me because I was open to them. I quit my 9 to 5 in 2002 and started traveling all over the world until eventually planting my feet in California February of 2006. With a new mindset and fresh start, I quickly began making secure bonds and establishing strong connections with new friends. I tried to have no judgements towards the people I was meeting and saw no “flaws” because I had made myself aware of the fact that we all struggle, we all have our ‘flaws,’ and we all have our insecurities. I saw everyone as normal people on this road together called life."

"While, for years, I tried to formulate a plan, the project physically started in 2010 when I was talking with a friend of mine about an idea on sharing peoples insecurities without literally showing them and how I could possibly turn it into an empowering photography project. I decided that night that I wanted to photograph my friend with her insecurity written somewhere on her face or hands as a way to boldly displaying her greatest insecurity on her skin and fearlessly stare into the lens for a powerful headshot. I wrote “thunder thighs” on Amanda’s hand, alongside the photograph she came up with the statement, “I am not my body image.” And thus, the “What I Be” project was made."

"Subjects are putting their insecurities out in the open, and exposing a side of themselves that nobody has seen beforeBy stating “I am not my_____,” they are claiming that they do in fact struggle with these issues, but it does not define who they are as a person. They are not denying their insecurity, they are owning it. It is not aimed for people to say “You’re not fat,” or “You don’t have love handles.” It is to spread awareness on what people go through due to society’s paved roads. These are serious issues that some of us can live with, but most battle on a day to day basis."

How does this relate to my project?

'What I Be' displays an intuitive defiance against cultural norms with raw and honest depiction of individual insecurities that are dismissed, and judged by others on a daily basis. I truly admire the  realistic,grounded and untainted finish to the project, with each subject having a different story to tell.

These are real people. Real people with real issues, that will have taken an enormous amount of strength to come forward and embrace to a mass audience. The total opposite of the airbrushed utopian figures that are depicted as 'role models' within advertising. These people are the role models. Steve Rosenfield is a role model in himself for actually having the sense to realise that having a successful career and a fantastic salary doesn't ultimately result in happiness.


  • This has made me realise that a reportage/social documentary approach to resolving my research through my practical response may be the most powerful and effective way to synthesise my project
  • It has made me think more about stigmas and misunderstanding of illnesses, as well as how advertisements in the past have given off false ideations towards such issues
(I'm excited because I think this is finally starting to make sense)

Friday, 2 December 2016

Why Do You Smoke?

The first thing I did this morning was write down a list of suitable (and do-able) options for my practical response, as it is getting a bit silly now that we were meant to decide on Monday and it is now Friday.


  • Come up with names for pills for every day things, such as a pill for boredom, a pill for a bad mood, a pill for being hungry etc. This will emphasise our pill popping culture to solve problems, rather than making the effort to source alternative solutions 
  • Create adverts that remove stigmas from certain medications in a vintage style which almost recreates sexist/derogatory ads from the 50s/60s
  • Illustrate peoples reactions to controversial health ads
  • Illustrate peoples perception of medicines that they take
Studio Eureka Moment

This afternoon in the studio I was just observing how many people smoked, and those that are in the process of giving up. Tilly told me that she is trying to give up, and I thought I would ask her about it. She gave some great answers! I jotted these down, and asked also asked Emily about why she smokes. 

SYNTHESIS MOMENT: From the packages I have collected, I asked them both what they thought of the off-putting images and new approaches to non-branded cigarette packets. I then took some photos of them rolling their cigarettes and had a go at drawing them in a reportage-y style. (I have been told to do this some more after the Extended Practice crit on Tuesday!)


This quick little exercise has increased my curiosity for individual attitudes, opinions and perceptions towards smoking, and for medication consumed. Smoking is deemed to be a really bad habit for your health nowadays with comparison with the 50's and 60's, where it was marketed as a habit that would actually improve your health, ironically. 

It would be interesting to explore this concept further by taking a more interpersonal approach to my topic, which would make sense because it is about self-perception. I am aware that we only have a week left before the Christmas holidays, so I need to be really precise with how I plan the little time I have left in order to produce a practical outcome to the best of my ability.

To do list:

  • Illustrate some of the responses to my questionnaire
  • Ask people in the studio about their approaches to the medication they take (if they are willing)
  • Start to produce roughs for a final outcome

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Standardisation of Cigarette Packaging

The standardisation of cigarette packaging is a factor that I looked into in more detail today, as I gathered that this might have a significant link with my research into how packaging influences people to buy products.

This diagram explains the specific elements that have contributed to the design that aims to further persuade consumers not to smoke. Notions of colour, imagery, language and layout have all been individually considered to arrive at an outcome that has a clear level of communication.

What now?

I might ask for peoples opinions with regards to the standardised packaging, whether or not they believe it is effective in their decision to smoke cigarettes.

As well I hope to look into concepts of persuasive imagery in more detail.