Saturday, 5 March 2016

Publication Proposal

I have started the process of planning the content of my publication and in particular the areas I would like to visually capitalise on. I'm not entirely sure what kind of context I would like my publication to lie within as of yet as there are many potential routes that I could go down. 

Producing the five hotdog books enabled me to throw down my basic ideas into a contextual mock up, although it is clear that I need to elaborate on these to allow them to have a stronger connection with the audience. I was really pleased with my hotdog book showing threatening health related messages through social media outlets, although I feel it is rather vague in places, and I want to explore more specific subjects.
For example, I could create a leaflet to be displayed at doctors surgeries and hospitals informing people how to lead a healthy and active lifestyle? Or a zine emphasising the flaws within Government spending to do with health care in a satirical manner?

In the next few weeks I need to carry out further research and come up with refined ideas and mock ups to gain a clearer idea of the messages that I want to portray through visual communication.

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