Friday, 17 April 2015

Speculative Drawings

Over the past few weeks I have been making drawings in response to my topic; 'Has the development of social media and technology had a negative impact on society'

People engaging in their phones rather than paying attention to things happening around them.

The negative affect social media can have on body image, so much pressure to be skinny, in severe cases resulting in eating disorders.

Drowning in social media; it is so easily accessible in todays day and age that it is difficult to escape from, especially if you are addicted to using it.

My day spent without using social media; I felt so much more refreshed by taking in my surroundings, engaging in alternative activities, and not having to compare my day with other peoples online.

A day in the life of a social media addict; a typical students day where she feels like she has to be the best at everything she does by posting on the internet constantly, without realising that this is making her feel alone and insecure.

The evolutionary decline of man; I copied this image I found from a source on the internet. It shows how lazy, and almost weak the human race has become since tools have been developed that are considered more valuable and useful than man.

Meeting criteria; I drew this picture of girls making drastic changes to their appearance to be on trend, making them feel accepted and beautiful. Many girls believe that making false enhancements like wearing too much makeup and making ridiculous poses e.g. the 'duck pout' in pictures will allow them to gain popularity on social media, giving them a confidence boost. In reality this is nonsense. In the real world, people are much more likely to appreciate you if you are yourself and express yourself through things you like to do regarding appearance, rather than following the crowd and being 'fake'.

Just a ranting list about everything I hate about social media

Continuing on from the exaggeration of body image in girls

Passive aggressive social media adverts; highlighting the dangers of over-using them. I drew these out because many people don't actually realise the bad effects that these sites actually have on their wellbeing and interaction with others.

How do we label online users, and how do we label ourselves online? How do we interact online as opposed to in real life? This drawing relates to my issue of false identity, and how we can make pre misconceptions of others online before taking into account the way we physically interact with each other.

Day-to-day activities; then and now (its a slight exaggeration). How easily we can do things at a touch of a button as opposed to going out of our way to physically learn and enjoy things.

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