Friday, 24 April 2015

Pecha Kucha Self-Reflection and Feedback

Initial Intentions

During my presentation, I was so adamant to communicate clearly with my audience, informing them about how social media and technology have evolved, and highlight the negative impact that overusing them have has had on us as individuals, and society as a whole.
I also wanted to stress the importance of appreciating and living the 'real world' to help with a healthy wellbeing and mindset, as opposed to living virtually, and experiencing things through others.



When putting together my presentation, I stuck to a structure of four blocks of five slides:

  • Introduction - people, events, cause etc.
  • My Understanding - my opinion, question, ideas, research etc
  • Speculative Drawings - 'I did this drawing because I felt like this'
  • Proposing Visual Diagram - 'Where am I going with this diagram?' Talk about image making. Show other peoples work.
Problems/Areas I could have improved on:
  • I think it would have been more authentic not to read from a script, I feel that way my audience would truly know that I was passionate and knowledge about the subject to talk about it without prompts. On the other hand, the cue cards helped me get across every point that I wanted to, and keep to my time limit.
  • Included reference to my starting point, the book 'Monkey Mind' about anxiety disorder
  • I maybe shouldn't have spent so long informing my audience of the history of the development of social media and technology, and got more to the point quickly
  • My subject area was extremely broad, I should have narrowed it down and focused on one aspect, rather than the issues as a whole.
  • I didn't focus on a solution to the problem, I must do this in my visual diagram
  • My research wasn't extensive enough. Reading more articles would have helped me have a professional voice to back up my opinion, and get other peoples opinions to the subject on board.
Plan of Action (between now and developing visual diagram)

  • Read more articles on the subject to gain a secondary voice to back up my argument, and highlight further problems that the development of social media and technology has caused
  • Listen to podcasts on behaviour, for example 'Mindfulness' as a possible solution to the problem
  • Decide what area I want to focus my diagram on; addiction/consumerism/individualism/narcissism

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