Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Motivation Please


I'm seriously struggling with any means of motivation for my COP3 project; it's a vicious cycle of worrying about a topic, putting it off because I don't want to worry about it, and worrying about it even more!

I made the mistake of getting 12 books out of the library that could all be relevant to my topic, but the sheer volume of them was enough to make me apprehensive about picking any of them up and reading them. As well because we have had so long off from college now I'm totally out of the swing of studying, which hasn't helped matters.

Where I'm at now

I know that I want the basis of my research project to be about how visual language and imagery can influence and alter human behaviour in either the learning or the healing environment.

I have read up a little on Pedagogy and art therapy but that is it so far. I am aware that the main thing that is worrying me is that I don't know my specific question, which I know develops in time, but I struggle to motivate myself to research very broad and uncertain topics.

What I'm going to do about it

  • Sort my library books out, pick out a maximum of three that are relevant and seem manageable. Return the rest, or come back to them at a later date.
  • Have a look at documentaries/films about human behaviour with possible links to art
  • Share my worries with Pete? He could point me in the right direction
  • Read some dissertations in the library to get a rough idea of the framework

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