What we mean by research
- Research informs our practice, and out practice informs our research
- Process (research of a project) is more important than outcome
- If we focus on the end point, we are focusing on what we already know
- "Everyone is a genius at least once a year. Success comes from having brighter ideas closer together"
- Reflective, experimental, creative process
- Process of finding facts
- Collecting information from a variety of sources
Research impacts ideas with either a:
- Stimulated approach - Looking at external things and developing associations with what I am trying to achieve
- Systematic approach - Taking what you've found and adjusting it
- Intuitive approach - Generating ideas from nothing (eureka moments)
Types of Research:
- Primary - It hasn't existed before, targeted at the problem
- Secondary - Already existent. Analysis of that information
- Quantitative - Facts/stats or numerical measures OBJECTIVE
- Qualitative - Un-quantifiable. Peoples beliefs or opinions SUBJECTIVE
What is information?
Processing and manipulating facts/date you've collected. Information should be sufficient, competent, relevant and useful.
- Phase 1 - Assimilation- organising relevant information
- Phase 2 - General Study - what are the aspects of the problem
- Phase 3 - Development - refining solutions to the problem
- Phase 4 - Communication - delivering information to improve knowledge
Analysis (it is a cyclical process- not linear)
STEPPING INTO THE UNKNOWN : Where I will start and how I will move forward
- What is the problem/brief/question about?
- What is there and what am I meant to do?
- KEY: Generate loads of stuff
- Solutions: Compromising
Paradigm Position
- Ontology: What is out there to study? Analysis of what can be known.
- Epistemology: How we can know about things, how we can justify and validate them.
- Start with what you know
- Identify what you want to know more about
- Plan how you're going to find out about it
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