Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Summative Statement

The initial point of interest within my research project was looking into the history of ideology portrayed within medical advertising. Looking back to almost three centuries ago, there was still a great deal to be discovered about medicine and it was clear that there was a lot of uncertainty about the use and benefits of it. The use of language and imagery used to try and sell these cures for illnesses and diseases was interesting in the way that it portrayed images of the ‘ideal self’, in order to persuade consumers to satisfy their basic level of needs. 

During the last century, significant medical discoveries have been made and the standard of healthcare has massively improved, meaning that the promotion of healthcare products is more honest, factual and less outrageous. Since epidemics of infectious disease have been eradicated, the general consumer norm is more inclined to satisfy psychological and self-esteem needs. I initially undertook research regarding perceptions of medicine in the 21st Century; how it is advertised, stigmatised and praised, yet I found it difficult to come to an accurate conclusion.

I decided to apply a heavier focus the influence of contemporary advertising on the perception of the self, where I discovered that an alarming volume of consumers responded negatively to the concepts portrayed by the main media. This was evident from the recent statement from Google search terms, outlining that one of the most frequent ‘how to’ search terms of 2016 was, ‘How to accept myself for who I am’. From conducting a primary research questionnaire, and generally reading into the subject I was urged to develop a solution that gives consumers a sense of empowerment, rather than make them feel like they don’t fit the stereotypical societal mould. 

Accepted? Highlights the communication between advertising and consumers, illustrating the interpretation of language and imagery portrayed in order to sell a product, and ultimately appeal to consumers achieving a level of ‘self-actualisation’.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Final Crit

I was very nervous about todays crit due feeling uncertain about the practical work I have produced so far. I came into the crit with a list of questions that would give me additional reassurance and give advice as to how I could make further improvements, to which Billie and Hana gave me some really helpful constructive criticism.

My Questions:

  • From looking at my summative statement, can you grasp the concept of how I have tried to synthesise my research through the practical outcome? (please be honest)
  • I feel like my practical outcome is a little underwhelming, could you suggest anything that I could improve on to give more of a 'wow factor?'
  • Should I take some more professional photographs of the book? Just because the background and foreground are both white and looks kind of weird... 

6A1: Knowledge and Understanding/Critical Awareness

  • Social/cultural: shows medicine developing into contemporary consumer culture
  • Thought out and well developed outcome/really sensitive to the subject and primary research
  • Strong key statements, can see how research has really formed your practical
6A4: Knowledge and Understanding/Innovation
  • Shown in the summative statement the 'creative concerns' are outlined by what you want to achieve (the communication of advertising and consumers)
  • Synthesis is really thought out. Haven't done just an 'advert', looked more into the emotive aspect.
6B1: Cognitive Skills/Problem Analysis
  • There is clear development from the initial dissertation research (medicine and advertising) but developed into a personal primary research driven project that expresses feeling and personal opinion
  • Maybe illustrate your problem solving and development of your book on the boards, will help show how you've come to this solution
6C1: Practical and Professional Skills/ Research
  • Practical testing/roughs aren't evidenced on the boards but I'm sure you've done loads of testing!
  • End product is really professional and beautiful, nice photographs and mock-ups (I need more though!)
6D1: Key Transferrable Skills
  • Can see how it is self-directed, primary based outcomes which gives it a really nice personal touch
  • Can tell you have managed your time, product is nicely made alongside professional mock-ups
Suggestions for Practical Work
  • Mock up some of your illustrations onto billboards, these then could be their own adverts (if you want more WOW factor)
  • Maybe make a sleeve for the book to present the book more professionally; though standalone is still strong
Suggestions for Presentation Boards
  • Include development- there are only images of the final product
  • Include reference/visual references for research?
Suggestions for Blog
  • If you are not including certain development images or tests on the boards maybe make sure it is documented on the blog
General Comments
  • For the photographs of book: yes maybe change the colour to a grey or the green spot colour you have used in your book. Agree that the book gets a little lost amongst the white
  • For the proposed exhibition maybe have a promotional poster alongside it? Just make it plain and simple
Self Evaluation

What have you learned from this module? 

  • I have learned the importance of allowing for contingency arrangements, and that things don’t always go perfectly to plan
  • Discovered the importance of visual research and exploration in correlation to theory
  • How visual language can be used as a powerful tool to inform, persuade and in some cases manipulate audiences
  • The importance of synthesis in the context of arriving at a well informed conclusion of visual and contextual research
  • Discovered a personal interest in sociology and psychology, as well as finding more of a tone of voice within my work, and more of a desired focus in terms of my practice
What could you have improved about your approach to the module?
  • Taken a LESS PANICKED approach. I wish I could have worked with a greater sense of fluidity; discovering things naturally and gradually rather than worrying a LOT, failing to absorb important requirements
  • Utilised time over summer more efficiently. During the break between second and third year I buried myself in library books giving myself strict instructions to read all of them before September. This obviously didn't happen. In fact, I didn't even open a single one of them. This relates to the last point in terms of taking a more relaxed approach to research. This could have consisted of visiting places, watching films and documentaries and just generally absorbing my surroundings rather than putting loads of pressure on myself in the first place
  • It would have been interesting perhaps to take a more practical approach to research, as that is something that I haven't done before?
  • Give myself more credit! I am always so hard on myself
  • Chosen more specific areas of research; I found that I was narrowing down to arrive at a point where my research actually made sense(at critical stages within the project)which potentially prevented me from developing my work further
What actions will I take in response to the peer review session?
  • Re-take photographs of the book
  • Adjust presentation boards
  • Finish my essay... 

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Print Day/Tutorial Six

Printing the Practical Outcome

Despite my level of sheer and utter panic with regards to producing a practical outcome (this time last week), I successfully printed and bound my picture book,'accepted?' today! 

I showed it to some of my peers, who commented on the visual quality of the drawings and the link it demonstrates with my research; yet I somehow feel like it is somewhat of an underwhelming final piece at level six. I know that I have proposed for the illustrations to be presented in an exhibition as well, but I just don't feel like it gives much of a 'wow' factor. I will write a list of questions to gain some constructive advice in tomorrows final crit. 


I discussed my recent decision to refine my essay question to focus on self-acceptance with Pete today, as well as presenting my practical outcome which he seemed to be pleased with (I hope?)

With a week to go until the final hand in, I still have a lot to do in terms of refining the essay as well as tying up all of the loose  ends within the project in general.

  • Don't write about things I'm not so sure about in too much detail (i.e. Marxism!)
  • The overarching theme is the same as the topic, really 
  • Mention the moral choices within illustration and the notion of marketing aware of what we think about us isn't true
  • Restructure the Second chapter so that it makes sense! 
  • In the conclusion, comment on how Barthes fits in with the theories of Freud and Lacan (idealised self) as well as how advertising takes advantage of those things
  • Comment on the morality of it